Thursday, September 06, 2007

Eyes wide shut

(...The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs...)
Karl Marx.
He was sitting on the top of BMO building in Downtown, Toronto. He cried a lot before his last conversion with her, He told her, I will Call Pain tonight..but she didn't understand and laughed...People are running around down there , I can see that with my Camera..So many cops and fire fighters...and they are all trying to save my damn life.
I am Cancer for others , useless and like a corpse...I sometimes think about going somewhere so far , where no one knows me, I will be lost , disappeared,destroyed...Somewhere in the middle of China or a Scottish village ,some where in Amazon...Among strange people like poor countries of south America, when they just wear ragged clothes to cover themselves. I gave up everything , my love (who gave me a light heart attack at the age of 19) and my future and my dreams...I wanted to become a cop one day....funny.. right?
Never..ever become obsessed with a Girl that you really love, No matter how hot she is or even how much she seems to like you, When you meet a girl that you think you may be really getting into, the best thing to do is to go out and meet even more girls to keep your mind off of her.